University of The Valley is creating a fresh and innovative higher education model.

A Global University

The global market for Higher Education has become increasingly competitive, with changing trends in delivery models and other political and economic factors but as more institutions look to work internationally, many are not considering the key issues and risks that they may face from working overseas.So to avoid being caught out, institutions need to be clear on their internationalization strategies, have effective day to day management of their supporting functions, while being both agile (at a governance level and operationally) and responsive to change.

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video of University Campus

We are one of the largest, most diverse universities with over 90,000 students, and a further 30,000 studying across 180 countries for University of the Valley.


Are you passionate about study, independent and comfortable with computers? If so, Distance Learning with the University of the Valley could be for you. When you start one of our courses you will gain access to our virtual learning environment (VLE) and a wealth of electronic resources to support your core studies and beyond. You will be assigned a tutor to help guide you through your studies. You may be considering this type of study due to your work and/or home commitments and we recognise that achieving a successful balance can be difficult to begin with. We provide easy to follow courses which deliver weekly sessions to keep you on track and our limited class sizes ensure excellent student-staff ratios.

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