The MSt is a part-time master's degree, designed for individuals who are typically studying in addition to working full-time, allowing students to develop their professional and academic interests for career progression or diversification and personal development. Many MSt students will have some years of experience prior to undertaking the programme.
MSts are academically rigorous postgraduate programmes, containing a significant taught element and a research project and associated dissertation, usually undertaken over two years. Taught elements are normally broken down into discrete modules and research projects may be work-related, if appropriate.
MSt programmes are not simply full-time programmes studied on a part-time basis - they are specifically designed as part-time programmes and to be flexible and accessible to accommodate the needs of working professionals. Furthermore, the modular structure of consolidated teaching blocks enables students living farther away from Cambridge, including international students, to undertake an MSt.
Applicants are normally expected to have a good first degree or other evidence of capability to complete a master's degree. Applications are not made to the Board of Graduate Studies. Further details are provided by the Institute of Continuing Education.